Sunday, April 29, 2012

So I was reading some comments on my family blog and this DARLING girl named Steph wrote me a comment! Curious as to who she was I looked up her blog and found out she has amazing style and has the best hair i've ever seen!! As her last post she wrote a list of the "Do's & Don'ts" before getting your pictures taken and I thought it was genius! So in credit to Steph I thought i'd repost this little ditty she posted. Thanks for the topic today steph!


DON'T get your hair cut the day before your pictures. you will not know how to style it & it will be stick straight where it should be flowy. get it cut 2 weeks or more in advance, just in case. don't try anything crazy or new either. trust me.

DO get your locks updated. fill in those roots (i wish i would have thought about that back then), wash & style it. possibly even invest in a hot oil treatment or something of the sorts so your hair will be sleek & shiny.

DON'T fret about zits or blemishes on your face. i'm not going to explicitly tell you what sorts of infestations came upon my face on this day, but i will tell you that i caked on the makeup & i wish i hadn't.

DO NOT cake on the makeup. it is easier to take away blemishes than to take away lots of makeup in photoshop. you want your face to look fresh & fine, not cakey & crappy.

DO wear nice makeup! invest in fake eyelashes if you so choose. wear what you normally wear, but pump it up just a bit (i emphasize just a bit because you musn't over-do it) to make it special. trust me, these pictures will be your "senior pictures" for, like, the rest of your life. you want to look nice.

DO pluck, shave & wax whatever needs be. eyebrows, lips, armpits, hairy moles, just get it off. it's so very noticeable in photos & is difficult to remove in photoshop. & yes, peach fuzz is sort of noticeable-- but it's your call. alos, lay off sodium & carbs for a few days before your pictures & drink lots of water-- that will reduce water retention & make you (at least your face) thinner & more fit.

DON'T cry over what you're going to wear. i know it's sort of a big deal to wear cute clothes, but if you're literally crying over it then just give up. have your mother or your best friend pick out something nice. you can never go wrong with a simple t-shirt & jeans, & that is FACT.

DO schedule your shoot more than a month before your graduation. i had mine scheduled for the day of our "senior sluff day" where we went up to a resort in the mountains & played outside all day. then i came home & had my pictures taken-- and it was a few days before graduation. DON'T do that.

& lastly, PLEASE DON'T be afraid of the camera. so what if some lady your mother knows from your childhood is holding a huge camera in your face & telling you to smile? OWN IT. work that updo. no deer in the headlights or "aw, but i don't like my smile. i don't like posing. i don't like blah blah blah i feel weird!" if you act uptight or nervous in your shoot, it will definitely show in your pictures. photographers are there to make you look so good, all you have to do it give them something to work with. otherwise you'll be looking at the final product and be all, "geez, these are ... how awkward am i? mom, do i really look this dorky all of the time?" do it for you.

this is all from my own experience on the "other side of the lens" as i would put it. & since i've seen both sides of that lens, i can tell you all of it my tips are true. so good luck & have FUN!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Favorite Pin Up Girl

Before we get to the photos on this post let me just go off for a second about this girl
This is Cooper Fossat
She is the bright light I think every person needs at least once during their day!
Every time I'm around this girl my entire week seems to go better
She is a powerhouse of a woman and an amazing artist!
She is so intelligent and knows exactly what she wants out of life.
She's kind and forgiving and an awesome example of how people in this world should be.
She and I were both photography majors at SUU and my college experience was worlds better with her in my classes. 
She's strong, courageous, beautiful and confident and it was such a privilege shooting with her.
love you coop!